Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

(Psalms 119:105 ESV)

Whether I am rejoicing or in deep distress; succeeding or struggling; laughing or weeping; I am striving to hold on to the truths of God's Word. And I want to share with you.

So... grab a cup of coffee or tea...and join me in my journey...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008

Encourage Yourself

We all face trials and difficult seasons in life. The key to victory during these times is to stay encouraged. Although it's important to be lifted up by our friends, the best way to stay encouraged is to encourage ourselves! In this day and age when people are so critical of themselves, we need to be just the opposite and become our own greatest encourager.

David is one of the best examples of this.
1 Samuel 30:6 says, "David encouraged himself in the Lord his God."

He faced many oppositions, disappointments, and set backs. But the key to David's success is found in the fact that despite the negative circumstances all around him, he drew his strength from the Lord and remembered what God had done for him in the past.

Start a journal of how God has worked in your life each day.
List the delights that God has sent your way. Examples: when a red bird is on the fence post - a nice summer breeze blows across your face - enjoying the taste of strawberries or chocolate or both together!
List your prayer request with a date ...also list your praises and answers to your requests.

When you look back on the journal you will see how many times God worked in your life and all the prayers HE has answered for you.
If you forget one day to write in your journal ...its okay. It is your journal write as much you like....or pick up where you left off.

What season of life are you in?

Can you look back and see where and what God has brought you from?

When you are faced with trials and well just life....DON'T GIVE UP! Remember God has got your back!

A great way to encourage ourselves is to remember what the Lord has done for us. Nobody else can truly know how the Lord has provided for, blessed, cared for and delivered you than yourself! Focus your mind and heart on what the Lord has done for you. You will increase your faith and have more strength, joy and hope to continue living a better life.

Holding on....


Joyfulsister said...

Hi Darlene..
You and I seemed to have been on the same spirit of Encouragement. I love it!!! I love to write in my journal and it does really help to look back and see the hand of God move in areas of my life from the past till today.. I Love Bro David *smile* A man after God's Heart. Keep writing my sister you are a blessing to me.

Hugz Lorie

Krista said...

I love the way your put that; that he encouraged himself in the Lord. I love my journals! I have two that are complete and one about half way. I don't journal every day, every week or even every month but just when I am inspired to write something down. I go through long stretches where I write and then I stop for awhile and pick it back up later. I love to read through them!

I am encouraged to pick mine up now!

Encouraging myself in the Lord,

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have not had time to read these post in a while, but today I needed these words. season is hard right now, but my blessings are still great!
love ya and great post.

marine's words said...

I have never really been one to encouragement myself but i love the way you put it David encouragement himself in the Lord i need to remember these.
I do journal I have three one is half way full and the other picks up where the other one left off and the 3rd one is just really old stuff but I can see how little by little Christ has change me.
thank you for these message to day.

Michelle C. said...

Thanks for the encouragement to encourage myselves. I also read an email that stated every day when you wake up you have a choice: to be in a good mood or to be in a bad mood. That's why one of the first verses that comes out of my mouth in the morning that Cameron recites with me is "Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." It helps. Today, I choose to be in a good mood!

Addicted to Beadz said...


What great words. I'm glad I took a break (from my job search) for a few minutes and read this post. I needed these words today!


Tricia said...

Hey Darlene,
I just love keeping a journal, sometimes I am more consistent than others, but the best part about it is being able to look back at God's faithfulness and all He has done in your life, it truly puts you in awe of Him.

Have a wonderful day!

Aunt Angie said...

Darlene---this is the neatest post. My mother has always kept a journal like that of sorts---especially on vacations. I have been so sporadic with mine...and only until I started blogging did I realize the encouragement to MY OWN heart---to simply COUNT OUT MY BLESSINGS on a daily basis!
This was so uplifting!

Kimberly said...

Thanks, Darlene!
I have been in such a funk today. I need to snap out of it and put my mind back on how much He blesses me daily, hourly, minute by minute!
Thanks for encouraging me to encourage myself!

DeeDee said...

thanks Darlene -
a good reminder - "encourage our selves in the LORD."
